Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Going back In TIME...

I want to return back in time
To a time where there were no worries, no responsibilities, no loneliness
Just only happiness, joy and freedom

So I got bitten by the 'how I wish I was a kid again' bug...
Been remembering how awesome my pre-adult years were
And If I had a chance  to return back to a certain time...It would be my High School years.
Yeah I know...High school...ahhaha...a lot of people would not want to return to that era where zits and growing up kinda sucked ...but for me...It was the best of times

Where my family and friends were always there with me
Where fun and laughter filled my day....Everyday of the year...
And where learning about life hurts...yet It made me stronger and more appreciative of who I am now.

I miss home
I miss my friends
I miss the memories...

How I wish time would have just stopped then


Why did I want to grow up so fast when I was a kid!!! dang it...

Growing Up really sucks...

1 comment:

  1. omg. so agree with you!
    How I wish I could go back to high school years too, really miss the life back then.

    everyday get to hang out with you all and do stupid things. saw a quote that day, 'If you don't do stupid things while your're young, you'll have nothing to laugh about when you're old'
    So true right?

    awwwww I miss you Sharon!!!!♥
