To the bitches who con me and stole my wallet in Barcelona...
Who jammed the ticket machine and then acted to help me...
Who kept on pushing me back to the door whenever I tried to get out...
Who then prayed on my trust towards you since YOU bitches seemed like you genuinely were trying to help me...
Who then pulled my bag and dug my wallet out...
Who then freaking run away like some headless chickens when I finally pulled my bag towards me when I felt something was wrong...
F*CK you !!!! Freaking F*ck YOU!!!!...Barcelona is a WONDERFUL city and I LOVED it...but thanks to you stupid bitches and con freaks...It now holds an awful memory of ME LOSING MY THINGS TO YOU BITCHES!!!
It's not the money that you bitches DON"T deserve but yet HAPPILY STOLE that made me furious ...But the lost of That freaking wallet that you will NOT appreciate and then throw away after you clear off my cash makes me want to just punch you in your bitch face.
IT was a freaking gift from my best friends...which I had used everyday for more than 2 years now...and IN it are pictures, good luck charms and souvenirs that my Friends and Family gave me!!!!...Why can't you BITCHES had at least thrown my wallet after you dig what you wanted from it ,somewhere near the metro SOOOO I can AT LEAST get those things back!!!
Freaking bitches...I hope Karma will visit you one day...and see how it feels like when you lose something important...
but...i guess I was stupid to let my guard down and TRUST nice looking middle age ladies like you 2 bitches...who seemed so convincing that you actually CARED !!!! F*CKing bitches!!!
yet...THANK YOU for not getting to my passport and camera...I guess you 2 bitches were too SLOW to get to those things huh...
sigh...ok my rant is least now I know pick-pocketing can happen anywhere,at any time, and by anyone....and that you can NOT trust anyone really....
The first time someone tried to steal from me was just a day before those bitches stole my wallet, but she failed because I reacted more quickly, thus she just ran off...but the 2nd time...sigh, I guess I was tired, and it was early in the morning AND being stuck at the metro machine SEEMED normal...and like hack!!! how smart are they to jam the machine...and stupid me trusted those nice wallet was stolen in just that few seconds of confusion and distraction....T_T
Oh well...time to get a new wallet....and may you Romani Barcelona pickpocket bitches one day be caught....or just trip and fall WHILE you're running away with Another s' wallet and smash your faces on the floor and break your freaking noses ...or just crack your skull....
*sorry to be so aggressive in this post...but I never hated any Bitches this much before;)*
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