Friday, September 6, 2013

The Most Dissapointing Korean Dramas

There are so many Korean dramas out there and obviously there will be the great ones...and the awful horrible ones...

I have seen a lot of dramas.. and I am really picky as to what korean dramas I will continue on with since there are just too many to watch that I only give a particular drama a max of 2-3 episodes to win my heart and to continue on.

I have dropped so many dramas (I give up really fast >.<)... but the ones I am going to talk about today are the ones where I stuck around for more than 10 episodes because I saw so much potential in it...too bad it really just became a hot mess..and I curse and felt so cheated that I actually stayed on for so long with the drama to see it just crash and burn....

Big had SOOOO much potential!!! with every episode I felt my soul died a little... it started out with such a BANG...and it was so fun... too bad it lost it's way and just waffle it self into a horrible ending...

Written by the Hong Sisters (writers for  both 'You're Beautiful' & 'My girlfriend is a Nined tail fox'), It's a story about how the souls of our main character (played by the handsome Gong Yoo) and an 18 year old kid got switched... and this uncovers birth secrets and of course laughs as to how an 18 year old teen adjust in a 30 year old man's body...

The first few episodes were so funny...and at the same time heart warming...but as the story progresses, the more draggy and ridiculous it got... the characters started making stupid bad decisions (to of course drag the story to 16 episodes) and there were so many loop holes to the story... I gave up half way, but I went back again to watch the last episode in hopes for at least a decent ending for this story ...but NOOOO... they gave such a half-ass illogical ending ever in Korean drama history...I went WTF when i finished was just so ridiculously awfully written.

The Hong sisters dramas were always fun and may not be as well written as many other dramas, but It always had Heart... and that little something that made me become huge fans for all their written works..but oh my gosh... this drama was definitely their worse work...and I just felt like the writers changed half way because the 2nd half of this drama was just so not Hong sisters like...urghhs...Big was so bad....

Had loads of potential..but fizzled...

Rating: 3/10

To the Beautiful You

SM produced an eye-candied pack youth-idol drama... It is a remake of a Japanese manga (which had a Japanese and Taiwanese drama remake as well)

I really had high hopes for this drama because I LOVED the Japanese version of it... and the cast for this Korean remake looked really promising as well (except Minho..who cannot all..but hey his pretty at least =_=)

So, Its about a girl who disguised herself as a boy and then went to an all boys high school....sounds ridiculous? yes, but that means hell loads of funny situation will arise..which would mean a Super FUN and interesting light hearted drama!!!

But...sigh... this drama really missed the mark... It tried to be all Melodrama which did not work for this story at just became soooooooooooooo boring and sooooooooo fake...geez...

I stopped quite early with this drama because I just could not stand how boring it was REALLY pretty and the cinematography was stunning...but other than was just a *yawn*

Rating: 3.5/10

Flower Boys Next door

This drama was really good actually...and I finished the whole series...but it was disappointing because yet again... it became so damn boring after the half way mark..

The story is about a shut in girl and how her interaction with the hotties (who are her neighbors) helped her come out from her shell...and how she also changed the hotties ...

It's a simple story...but the characters were really well written (It's a TvN no surprise that their characters have depth... really love the works of TvN)... and the way it was shot was beautiful...

It was really perfect..but just lost it's momentum half way..and it just went on and on and on with the same problem/ plot point... and it just seemed like a drag ...still entertaining... but sooo long winded... gosh... why did the characters suddenly become such fickle minded kids when in the start of the drama they were such smart adults...blah

Rating: 6/10

Boys Before Flowers

Ahhhh...the Overly Hyped Korean drama that can't decide what style it wanted to be...

I have watched the Taiwan, Japanese and China version of Boys over flowers ... and when I heard about the Korean version..I was all HELL YA HALLELUJAHHHH... because the other versions were quite good...

Let's just say I had a problem with the main girl (Geum Jan Di acted by Koo Hye Sun) ... She's suppose to be the typical poor girl but what I loved about her (from the other versions) is that she was really strong willed and a fighter for what was right....but in the Korean drama...she just acted like a little whiny fickle minded girl who was just weak and irritating(How she was written in the korean version was just not how she is suppose to be!!!!)... I really tried to like her..really.. but I just find her hell of annoying with one second going 'I AM A STRONG PROUD LADY' then later on crying and whining about some random shit and the boys must SAVE in every freaking episode someone must save her!!!...seriously girl GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!!!

And I had a problem as to how half way through it went from a "bubbly fun" tone to a "melo- emo violin background music" tone... it's like it had bipolar or something....

It was pretty yes...but it was badly written and some of the acting was soooooooo awkward and horrible... geez... I can't believe how famous this drama over-credited....but SO SO SO bad (OMG the ending...was so BADDDDDDDDDD...)

Rating: 3.5/10

Secret Garden

Ahhh secret garden.... I actually liked this drama a lot.. It had the same formula again, with a strong willed poor girl vs. a rich asshole with some past trauma/family issues...but it was entertaining and yet again shot beautifully...

What really made me pissed about this drama was it's ending... like seriously What The F*ck... like seriously.... It was so stupid that I refused to accept it... NO NO NO... That ending didn't happen!!!

But all in all it was an enjoyable drama... (I know the main actor is handsome and romantic..but seriously the way he treat the main girl in this drama is so rough and borderline 'harassment' ...but hey...all fangirls had no problem with that=_=... as the saying goes : "you are NOT freaky if you are handsome..." ).. with plot holes here and there...and a horrible horrible ending... but oh well...sigh...can't' have everything right~

Rating: 6/10